Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Comet Cable has to get its act together

Comet Cable the pioneer pay television network in Sri Lanka has to get its act together and face the competition that it will encounter as this year progresses. With LBN and CBNsat back on air and SLT also due to launch it's IPTV network it seems that the present strategy will not work. It is only a matter of time till loyal Comet Cable customers who see the expansion on other pay television networks will be drawn towards them in order to get quality entertainment.

If that happens it will be the end of Comet Cable as we know it.

Therefore the only option left for Comet is to go digital within a few months and then to sell operations to another firm that is keen in running a pay television operation.

Hopefully the management of Comet Cable will take a decision after taking into consideration their loyal customers and staff. The infighting with in Comet Cable has had serious repercussions on the operations of the company and their strategy to convert into digital which has been anticipated for the past five years.


TV & Radio Sri Lanka said...

Dear Fellow Bloggers

We have added feeds from the other blogs that we are operating to this one and vice versa for ease of accessing information.

You can now stay updated on what is happening across all of our blogs.

We have also added links to all the channels that are being shown on Comet Cable that have valid functioning websites.

Thank You for your participation and for your invaluable feedback.


Anonymous said...

will comet Air cricket world cup ?

Anonymous said...

cricket world cup for the region is given to channel SET MAX which belong to sony entertainment.

currently CBNsat which has sony channel called SET will switch to their SETMAX channel for the live matches and highlights and revert back to SET channel for normal schedule.

Anonymous said...

Comet is always going WRONG DERECTION...

Anonymous said...

Channel Update NDTV in channel 16 has been replaced by Al-jazeera English Service with a scrolling message saying this is a test transmission please send your comments to multivision

Anonymous said...

NDTV, Aljazeera? pls comet remove all 2..